
The following classes are available globally.

  • A class that mainly acts as a namespace for HTTP-related functionality.

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    public class Http
  • This class offers a key-value storage, where the values are encrypted and the keys are hashed, with a private hashing function. The key-value storage backend cannot link keys or values with others, assuming there are multiple users, using the same backend. If a network is used, an anonymous communication network should be used in order to avoid linkability through traffic data.


    The values are not protected by padding, meaning that the backend provider could still guess the content based on its size.


    There is no access protection of the keys. The sole protection is, that nobody can get your keys. The values are protected by encryption, so confidentiality and integrity are protected, but availability is not. The backend provider, who knows which keys are stored in the backend, could delete or overwrite them.

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    public class SecureKeyValueStorage
  • With this class you can connect to a target through a Shalon proxy. Connections to the proxy and connections to the target will each be encrypted using TLS. This means that your ISP or other people in your network cannot observe to which target you connect, because they only see connections to the proxy. The proxy itself does not see the content of your requests to the target. The target will only see the proxy’s IP address (except if the IP address is otherwise embedded into the request).

    This implementation supports multiple hops. Simply add other layers.

    In order to use Shalon proxies with your URLSession connections, please take look at ShalonURLProtocol.


    let proxy1 = Target(withHostname: "", andPort: 443)!
    let proxy2 = Target(withHostname: "", andPort: 443)!
    let proxy3 = Target(withHostname: "", andPort: 443)!
    let target = Target(withHostname: "", andPort: 443)!
    let shalon = Shalon(withTarget: target)
    shalon.issue(request: Request(withMethod: .head, andUrl: url)!) {
        optionalResponse, optionalError in
        // TODO Do something

    This will establish a nested tunnel, where proxy1 cannot see what the client sends to proxy2, as depicted:

    client           proxy1           proxy2           proxy3          target
    |                |                |                |               |
    +----------------+                |                |               |
    | CONNECT proxy2 |                |                |               |
    +---------------------------------+                |               |
    |                  CONNECT proxy3 |                |               |
    +--------------------------------------------------+               |
    |                                   CONNECT proxy4 |               |
    |                                                    HEAD /        |
    |                                                  |               |
    +--------------------------------------------------+               |
    |                                 |                |               |
    +---------------------------------+                |               |
    |                |                |                |               |
    +----------------+                |                |               |
    |                |                |                |               |
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    public class Shalon : NSObject, StreamDelegate
  • A URLProtocol that adds support for Shalon by specifying URLs in the following format: httpss://proxy:port/target:port/index.html. To use more than one proxy (up to three), e.g., use httpssss://proxy1/proxy2/proxy3/target/index.html for connecting via three proxies.

    In order to support the protocol, it needs to be added to the URLSessionConfiguration first:

    let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.ephemeral


    let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.ephemeral
    let session = URLSession(configuration: configuration)
    let url = URL(string: "httpss://")!
    let task = session.dataTask(with: url) {
        optionalUrl, optionalResponse, optionalError in
        // Handle response
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    public class ShalonURLProtocol : URLProtocol
  • This is a convenience class to tie input and output streams together. If a tunnel with multiple hops is established, each hop will have separate input and output streams.

    The API is similar to the Stream class.

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    class PairedStream
  • This class represents a TLS session. It manages the context for the session, which is used for input as well as output streams.

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    class TlsSession
  • This class wraps an input stream.

    This somehow helps handling input streams. Looks like one cannot direcly use a sub-classed input stream, so there is a stream kept as an internal variable. In addition there is a computed property to return this variable. That way it can be overwritten by sub classe. Maybe there is a better way to handle this.

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    class WrappedInputStream : InputStream, StreamDelegate
  • This class wraps an output stream.

    This somehow helps handling output streams. Looks like one cannot direcly use a sub-classed output stream, so there is a stream kept as an internal variable. In addition there is a computed property to return this variable. That way it can be overwritten by sub classe. Maybe there is a better way to handle this.

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    class WrappedOutputStream : OutputStream, StreamDelegate
  • This class is TLS encrypted input stream.

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    class TLSInputStream : WrappedInputStream, TlsSessionDelegate
  • This class is TLS encrypted output stream.

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    class TLSOutputStream : WrappedOutputStream, TlsSessionDelegate
  • This class can be used to share secrets with other devices. A cover image, that can be set using Interface builder will be displayed and the QR code will only be uncovered if the user taps or clicks on the image view and has authenticated himself.

    If the cover image is shown, then the user will be asked to authenticate himself as the owner of the device, e.g., by using Face/Touch ID or by asking for the device passcode. The authentication is performed by using the LocalAuthentication framework. Therefore the authentication credentials will be handled by the operating system an cannot be intercepted by the application.

    If the confidential value is shown, tapping on it will invalidate the authentication context. Therefore, in order to display the confidential value again, the user has to authenticate as the device owner anew.

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    public class ConfidentialQrCodeView : ImageView